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Dr. Yesha Patel

Endocrinologist Pediatrician

Dr. Yesha Patel is an expert Pediatric Endocrinologist with a vast experience of treating children with hormonal disorders, puberty problems, growth disorder, Obesity, Underweight, Diabetes etc. She completed her FCPE (Pediatric Endocrinology) & MD (Pediatrics) from Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune and she is an active Member of Indian Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology (ISPAE) & Global Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (GPED)
Pediatric Endocrinologist

Dr. Yesha Patel

FCPE (Pediatric Endocrinology), MD (Pediatrics)

Dr. Yesha Patel is an experienced Pediatric Endocrinologist, Dedicated to diagnosing and treating patients in pediatric endocrine domain. She focuses on modern ways to improve workplace environment and efficiency. She is vastly experienced in treating patients from various demographics and operating in high stress environment. She is highly skilled in pediatric endocrine care, highly compassionate and easy to work with.

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OPD Timings

Monday to Saturday :
10AM - 2PM & 4PM - 6PM
(VK Hospital & Diagnostic Centre, Garhshankar)

Every Friday : 11AM - 2PM
(Central Hospital, Hoshiarpur)

Every Friday : 3:30PM - 5:30PM
(Paul Multispeciality Hospital, Jalandhar)

Don't ignore child's hormonal problems

Children are not just small adults. As growing individuals they have special needs related to growth and development. Hormone problems affecting growth or sexual development can have significant effects on a child’s physical and emotional well-being. We're delivering thoughtful, high-quality care for kids suffering from various endocrine and hormonal disorders.

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Success Stories

Patient Testimonials


There are actual child hormonal abnormalities that parents don’t think as a problem. But it actually is. And only Pediatric endocrinologist can deal with it.

When to consult Paediatric Endocrinologist !

  • If your child is not growing well or you feel is short
  • If your child is gaining weight or is overweight
  • If your child has early signs of puberty
  • If your child does not have or has late puberty
  • If your adolescent has irregular cycles
  • If your adolescent has hirsutism i.e. excessive facial hair
  • If your child has thyroid disorders

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