Services / Treatments


Diabetes increases your child's risk of developing conditions such as narrowed blood vessels, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke later in life. Nerve damage. Excess sugar can injure the walls of the tiny blood vessels that nourish your child's nerves.

When do you need to consult an Endocrinologist ?

  • Child started passing too much urine, bed wetting in a previously normal child.
  • Child has started drinking too much water, even in winters.
  • Your child has started losing weight, even though he is very hungry and eating more than usual.
  • Child had become irritable, lethargic, declining in school performance.

The children with these symptoms need to be tested for blood sugar. Diabetes in children are treated with insulin. It is an injection given under the skin. The doses are adjusted by the endocrinologist according to the child, his age and lifestyle.

Children with diabetes when managed well can lead a normal life, go to school and participate in all physical activities like normal children.Obesity is increasing becoming a major health problem in children due to lack of physical activity and increased exposure to internet and online gaming.